Hey what do you know, I have a moment to update my blog. The house is quiet and has been for hours now.
The boys (everyone except Brooks) are camping this weekend with Cub Scouts. They are probably rosting marshmallow right about now, or of course, conducting a variety of science experiments concerning fire, what burns quickly, slowly, what has a really cool chemical reaction and ignites a seven foot flame.
Excuse me while I take a moment to pray......
I know they are having a blast. Boys were just made to camp. It's like their very nature to relish the camping experience. It makes them truly happy to wear the same clothes a couple days in a row, eat charcoal burned hot dogs and pay no mind to the accumulation of dirt they wear around. This no rules, nothing but fresh air and nature to breathe in, brings out a delight in them you just don't see at school, around the house, at the office......
I am happy to have a family full of boys. They're so cool, so different from me, it's fun to just observe their simple joys.
Thank you God for my boys, they are all so different, and yet all the same. Life gets better with each new day.