Murray came to be a part of our family this summer, at the time just about a year old or a little more and found by the local humane society as a stray dog. He's fun. Young and full of life, gentle with Brooks, he tolerates Elliot laying on top of him, and chases Peyton and Christian at top speed. He's a pup still, in ways that tend to drive Kenny a little insane (the yard's not looking so good, a few valuables have been chewed to destruction......) But all in all we have gotten pretty attached to the blonde fluff ball with one bent ear. Murray was the name of a really cool dog in one of Kenny and my favorite sit-coms from years past. Helen Hunt, Paul Rieser......can you remember......Mad About You. He too had a one ear up and one ear down thing going on, so it brought back some memories. Plus letting the boys name the dog would have led to "Darth Vader" and somehow that didn't quite fit.
We've got a ways to go with the whole "training the dog" procedure, but Murray is part of our pack now and I can see lots of good memories heading this way for years to come.