Wednesday, June 22, 2005

who am I, really?

In college I got a degree in Mass Communication, a lovely piece of paper I put to use everyday as I "manage" a "mass" of 4 little boys, my sons 8, 6, 3, and 5 months. In my last semesters at ACU I took some Marketing courses as electives, mainly because Kenny was in the business building, so where else would I want to be?? I fell in love with marketing, the idea of consumer behavior and Dr. Lytle was the best. If I had to do college all over again, no doubt the study of marketing would be my passion. A phrase Lytle often said when promoting his classes was, "Marketing Rules The World!" We would laugh at his boasting, but on a non-spiritual level I still agree with Lytle's stance on the subject.

This is what troubles me about setting up a blog. In marketing you identify your audience, your target market and present your product or service in a way that will most connect with and convince whoever you are speaking to. There is incredible power in the way something is presented.

In a way I have always "marketed" Donielle. I naturally think about where someone else is coming from, their age, their intrests, their sense of humor, their maturity, their liberal or conservative viewpoints, etc. I do this before I jump out and "be me". Does this make me a hypocrite? I am not sure, but I admit the color of my personality is a different shade when I am with my brother than it is with my mother-in-law.

In blog-world, there is no way to "market" oneself, is there.....I guess all three of you will now see Donielle, the un-edited, straight from the heart version. I can't guess at who my audience might be, I can't word thing one way for some and another for others. It's kinda scary and liberating all in one. Winter Time may turn out to be more enlightening for me than those of you who take the time for Winter Time.

God Bless

1 comment:

Byron said...

"take time for "Winter Time""??? What are you selling? a new beer?
From the sappy writing you are already putting out it seems that you were born to blog.