My dear husband, Kenny is a good father and a loving husband. He is blessed to work just 10 minutes from our house in a job that allows me to not need to work outside the home. He pretty much makes his own schedule at work, doesn't have a boss telling him he can't take off early if his family needs him etc. He never has to travel for work, but chooses to attend an educational seminar maybe once or twice a year. Well long story longer....this is the one week this year he is gone. And silly me, I thought I would be okay without him!
It's been a challenge getting all four boys up and out of the house this week by 7:59 a.m. but we've made it, even if Elliot brushes his teeth on the way, we've made it.
Brooks' overflexibility issue is fresh and without a lot of answers. I'm concerned. We had our second physical therapy session today and it was basically a solid hour of measuring just how flexible he is. Very flexible kinda sums it up. "he could join the circus!" said the therapist. I don't know what all that means, I just don't want it to be something that greatly affects Brooksie's life. We're praying.
The older boys have been practicing for a play, "Beauty and The Beast" off and on since late June and their performance is this weekend. What does that mean.....I'll tell you what that means. It means the last week before production, the cast practices each and every night, in full make-up and costume from 4:00-9:00 or 9:30 or whenever the boys dressing room is presentable. So basically Christian and Peyton have had 14 hour days this week, pretty taxing on the little ones.
So my evening schedule this week has been as follows:
3:00 pick up boys from school
3:10 grab a snocone at the library (some people actually go and read books there?)
3:30 arrive at play practice to dress and apply make-up
4:00 play practice begins, go home or run errands
6:00 bring the boys dinner at play practice
8:45 leave to pick the boys up from play practice (my folks, saint mom and dad, always help)
9:30 or later get home, and get to bed!!
all of this while dragging little Brooks and Elliot along.
So tonight about 8:00 I get this call, they are saying Christian is hurt, his knee is swollen quite a bit and he's upset. Can I come get him. Of course I can....I'm SUPERMOM!!! Sure enough, I get down there and it looks like he has an alien the size of a golf ball on his knee. With the help of those saintly grandparents we carry him to the car and all seven of us head off to "urgent care". The doctor was very kind, but very baffled as to what is going on with Christian's knee. His guess is a soft tissue or ligament damage, not a broken bone. After two hours we were sent home with an ace wrap and a dose of motrin, along with instructions to see a pediatric orthopedic surgeon on Friday.
When it rains, it pours......what a day. Kenny, come home quickly!!! Mom and Dad, you are amazing, where would I be without you??? I get that now that I am a parent, of course there is nothing I would not do for my children. But to see that in action, in your own parents is humbling. They gladly serve, thinking nothing of themselves. I love you both.
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